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Drapac Healthy Products Store

Phone: (+64) 09 638 7128
    Mobile: (+64) 0275 667888

360 C Dominion Road

Mt Eden

Auckland 1023


Drapac Official Website

Drapac Official Chinese Website



Drapac Official Website


Drapac Official Chinese Website

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While the information contained on this Website is given in good faith, we accept no liability for any errors or omissions. Any opinions, recommendations, or suggestions given do not constitute a guarantee or warranty. Specifically, the information shall not be deemed a warranty, representation, or guarantee concerning a product’s suitability or fitness for a customer’s specific purpose. It is the customer’s responsibility to determine the suitability for its own use of the products described herein. The customer must make its own independent judgment and assessment and should not rely upon any opinions, interpretations, statements, assurances, or representations given. This information is intended to provide general guidance to the customer. For specific guidance or support, feel free to contact us. The information is subject to change without notice. Our maximum liability for claims arising from breach of warranty, negligence, or otherwise is limited to the purchase price of the product.


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